Thinkalong Β» Search Results


February 8, 2018

…| February 8, 2014| Audio 3:29 minutes A radio story about a proposal unveiled in Tennessee to make community college free for all residents of the state. ο‚· Tennessee is…

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mandatory voting guide

October 17, 2018

…8:55 minutes A video from PBS Digital Studios exploring whether the U.S. should have compulsory voting. ο‚· In 2016 voter turnout was 55.7 percent. People of color and the poor…

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List of Module Topics

November 11, 2020

…Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Program (DACA)? ● Should social media companies be allowed to sell your data? ● Should Congress ban assault rifles? ● Should companies have to unlock…

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Fake News – Teachers Guide 02122021

February 12, 2021

…• Cyrus Massoumi of publishes articles targeted toward liberals with click-bait headlines. He says that people don’t care about facts; people want to take out their phones and quickly…

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Right to Water – Teachers Guide 04282021

April 28, 2021

…covered in water, only about 4.4% is freshwater – and less than two thirds of freshwater is drinkable. Most drinking water comes from lakes, rivers, and groundwater and water availability…

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