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Social Media Teacher Guide

April 22, 2019

companies, limiting the distribution of wealth across the economy. ο‚· Weyl says users should be compensated to counteract the amount of jobs being replaced by technology. ο‚· Weyl estimates that…

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Photo of a person holding a U.S. dollar bill with its reverse side to the camera.

Is money speech?

October 22, 2020

…the Supreme Court decided in the landmark case Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission to deregulate campaign donations made by corporations and labor unions. This decision allowed these organizations to…

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About Connecticut Public

May 29, 2020

…connects the citizens of Connecticut to their communities and to the world. Through our mission to inform, educate and inspire the people of Connecticut, we seek to connect and empower…

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Media Literacy Resources

October 7, 2020

…tools fo educators to explore bias, propaganda, fake news, and more! Facing History and Ourselves Using lessons from history, this free website has resources for teaching about and combating hatred…

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You Can’t Fool Me – A Media Literacy Zine

January 19, 2021

…in my content? 5 Have I communicated You Can’t Fool Me: A Media Literacy Zine. 5 Key Questions/Concepts of Media Literacy. media literacy is super important and there’s a…

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